Friday, January 30, 2009

Day after Day

Well, we have had some snow and the temps have ranged between 12-35. They say we are supposed to be up to 40 on Sunday. I certainly hope so! Because of the snow we cannot wash laundry, something is frozen or blocked-who knows. All I know is when we do water comes gushing out of the pipe into the laundry room. Fun! Also, I had to dig my car out yesterday so I could go to the laundry mat and go to work. This I was not happy about. While I hate the snow because of obvious reasons, it sure is pretty if all you have to do is look at it. Remy enjoys jumping around, and last night after Craig shoveled a little more for parking our cars, even we threw the snow around a little. I sent out a few resumes yesterday, maybe I will get a call.

1 comment:

  1. Some Snow? that looks like alot of snow. So the shovel did come in handy! Sorry to hear about the water problem. How are the wedding plans coming? Talk to you soon. Love you Mom
