Sunday, January 25, 2009


Criag and I are trying to decide on permanent colors for the wedding. We are now thinking September. We need to stay with lilac as a color because we already have paper lanterns in that color. I saw a few pictures online today that I thought would make great inspiration for our autumn vows. I love the idea of purple shoes to go with my ivory organza dress. Very me!!! I think there are so many nature infused ideas that we can pull from and it seems so easy, at least sitting here at the computer looking at pictures. I love the idea of using green grapes in a dark brown basket with violets on top, edible art. ha! I also love the fact that you can use multiple shades of purple and mix it with brown to get a warm feeling. The tall grass in the pots brings me down to earth and I thought it would be fun to plant them at home or better yet, give them to family to plant. The simplest things look purple and brown like-a cork from a red wine bottle, beautiful and so so simple. Feel free to email me if you have any ideas or additional inspiration for our lilac and brown theme.


  1. Nichole I really like the colors. I know that you are very creative and I'm sure the wedding and the reception will be just beautiful. I will help any way I can. And I love the grassy potted plants by the isle. Love Mom

  2. Nichole,
    Mom wanted me to post how beautiful we think the colors are. And I haven't seen this color combo used. Very original!!!
