Thursday, October 28, 2010

Asher-1-3 weeks

Asher made his first trip to the pumpkin patch. He slept the whole time, but Craig and I enjoyed it. He also got his first bath-he's not a fan. He loves going for walks in the Jeep stroller, but not when I try to take Remy too, she's too fast, he just likes to cruise.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Asher Allen

Our little boy is here, yay! Asher Allen was born 2:56 pm on October 9, 2010. He was 7lb13oz and 21.1 inches long. He has his daddy's cleft chin, and everyone says he's got my eyes. :) Christi and Craig were my labor coaches and were my saviors during the 15 hours I was in labor. Here are a few pics for family and friends to enjoy. He is 13 days old today and weighs 7lb7oz working his way back up to birth weight. He is a little confused with days and nights but I don't mind too much. He makes the cutest little noises and when he's hungry he pants instead of cries. He is such a good baby and Craig and I are so blessed.