Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What the heck

What is it with me and doctor's offices? I had my appointment yesterday "28" weeks, and everything went well. All is good with baby Hendry. I told the doc that I have symptoms of a UTI, which they had treated me for last time, so she wanted to send my urine to the lab to be tested. Well, they called me this morning to come in and give another sample because they threw it out before they could send it. Right, like I'm gonna drive 45 minutes just to pee in a cup and then come home. :) Luckily, I ran up to Shelbyville Hospital and did it there.
So far, we have one wall painted in the baby's room, the next three should be done before night's end. Can't wait to post pics.
Feeling a little bummed that I don't remember too much of my childhood. Favorite book, who knows. Favorite cartoon, who knows. Favorite foods, I have no idea. I guess that's what family stories are for. Might have to pick mom's brain later.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about that. Eric didn't remember a thing either. Your Mom will feel you in and then you will never forget. Things like this sometimes don't really matter until one day you have a baby of your own and want to remember ;)
