Friday, March 12, 2010

motherhood qualms!

I watched 20/20 tonight which featured childhood schitzophrenia. It was probably some of the scariest stuff I've ever seen. To start off, one family had home videos of their baby girl following something on the ceiling. Cut to three years old and talking about Wednesday telling her to do stuff like jump off a building. Cut to seven years old and see her talking about all these different characters in her mind that do stuff like bite her brain or tell her to hurt her brother. Another girl threatened her mom she would kill her with a chainsaw, and how the pipes in her neck would bleed. So messed up. This is some scary stuff to watch as a mom-to-be but I couldn't make myself turn the channel. Probably because I only get two channels and the other one was not of interest, but I never even tried. Now I want to research other childhood diseases and disorders. I interject now, and tell myself not to do that because that could be a bad idea. Comon Monday!

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